House, M., Khadayat, K., Trybala, N., Nambiar, N., Jones, E., Abel, S.M., Baccile, J., and Joshi, A.S. “Phosphatidic acid drives spatiotemporal distribution of Pex30 at ER-LD contact sites.” Under review.
Akenuwa, O.H. and Abel, S.M. “Polarity sorting of actin filaments by motor-driven cargo transport.” Biophys. J. (accepted).
Featured on the front cover
Akenuwa, O.H., Gu, J., Nebenführ, A., and Abel, S.M. “Morphometric analysis of actin networks.” Mol. Biol. Cell 35: ar146, 1-13 (2024).
Special issue on “Quantitative Cell Biology”
de Jesus, Settle, Vorselen, Gaetjens, Galiano, Wong, Fu, Santosa, Winer, Tamzalit, Wang, Bao, Sun, Shah, Theriot, Abel, and Huse. “Single-cell topographical profiling of the immune synapse reveals a biomechanical signature of cytotoxicity.” Sci. Immunol. 9: eadj2898 (2024).
Featured as a Research Highlight in Nature
Li, B. and Abel, S.M. “Shaping membrane vesicles by adsorption of hinge-like nanoparticles.” J. Chem. Phys. 160: 194901 (2024).
Nambiar, N., Loyd, Z.A., and Abel, S.M. “Particle deformability enables control of interactions between membrane-anchored nanoparticles.” J. Chem. Theory Comput. 20: 1732–1739 (2024).
Invited article, special issue on “Computational and Theoretical Studies Focused on Self-Assembly and Molecular Organization”
Schmidt, H.N., Gaetjens, T.K., Leopin, E.E., and Abel, S.M. “Compartmental exchange regulates steady states and stochastic switching of a phosphorylation network.” Biophys. J. 123: 1-12 (2024).
Zhang, Z., Gaetjens, T.K., Ou, J., Zhou, Q., Yu, Y., Mallory, D.P., Abel, S.M., and Yu, Y. “Propulsive cell entry diverts pathogens from immune degradation by remodeling the phagocytic synapse.” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 120: e2306788120 (2023).
Akenuwa, O.H. and Abel, S.M. “Organization and dynamics of cross-linked actin filaments in confined environments.” Biophys. J. 122: 30-42 (2023).
Chauhan, Norred, Dabbs, Caveney, George, Collier, Simpson, Abel. “Crowding-induced spatial organization of gene expression in cell-sized vesicles.” ACS Synth. Biol. 11: 3733-3742 (2022).
Li, B. and Abel, S.M. “Membrane-mediated interactions between hinge-like particles.” Soft Matter 18: 2742-2749 (2022).
Chauhan, G., Simpson, M.L., Abel, S.M. “Adsorption of semiflexible polymers in crowded environments.” J. Chem. Phys. 155: 034904 (2021).
JCP special topic on “Depletion forces and Asakura–Oosawa theory”
Chauhan, G., Simpson, M.L., Abel, S.M. “Crowding-induced interactions of ring polymers.” Soft Matter 17: 16-23 (2021).
Featured on the back cover
Anozie, U.C., Quigley, K.J., Prescott, A., Abel, S.M., Dalhaimer, P. “Equilibrium binding of isolated and in-plasma high-density lipoproteins (HDLs) to polystyrene nanoparticles.” J. Nanopart. Res. 22, 223 (2020).
Irle, S., Vuong, V.Q., Elayyan, M.H., Talipov, M.R., Abel, S.M. “Protein molecular dynamics simulations with approximate QM: What can we learn?” Methods Mol. Biol. 2114: 149-161 (2020).
Pullen, R.H. and Abel, S.M. "Mechanical feedback enables catch bonds to selectively stabilize scanning microvilli at T-cell surfaces." Mol. Biol. Cell 30: 2087-2095 (2019).
Special issue on “Forces on and within cells”
Liu, Abel, Collins, Srijanto, Standaert, Katsaras, Collier. "Geometry-dependent nonequilibrium steady-state diffusion and adsorption of lipid vesicles in micropillar arrays." Adv. Mater. Interf. 6: 1900054 (2019).
Featured on the front cover
Onwubiko, Mlynarczyk, Wei, Habiyaremye, Clack, Abel, Das. "A Cdc42 GEF, Gef1, through endocytosis organizes F-BAR Cdc15 along the actomyosin ring and promotes concentric furrowing." J. Cell Sci. 132: 223776 (2019).
Mlynarczyk, P.J. and Abel, S.M. "First passage of molecular motors on networks of cytoskeletal filaments." Phys. Rev. E 99: 022406 (2019).
Alves, Westerfield, Shi, Nguyen, Pullen, Stefanski, Booth, Morrell-Falvey, Wang, Abel, Smith, Barrera. "A novel pH-dependent membrane peptide that binds to EphA2 and inhibits cell migration." eLife 7: e36645 (2018).
Abel, S.M. "Overview of mechanistic modeling: Techniques, approximations, and assumptions." Systems Immunology: An Introduction to Modeling Methods for Scientists, Eds. J. Das and C. Jayaprakash, CRC Press (2018).
Norred, Caveney, Chauhan, Collier, Collier, Abel, Simpson. "Macromolecular crowding induces spatial correlations that control gene expression bursting patterns." ACS Synth. Biol. 7: 1251-1258 (2018).
Li, B. and Abel, S.M. "Shaping membrane vesicles by adsorption of a semiflexible polymer." Soft Matter 14: 185-193 (2018).
Featured on the front cover
Pullen, R.H. and Abel, S.M. "Catch bonds at T cell interfaces: Impact of surface reorganization and membrane fluctuations." Biophys. J. 113: 120-131 (2017).
Prescott, A.M. and Abel, S.M. "Combining in silico evolution and nonlinear dimensionality reduction to redesign responses of signaling networks." Phys. Biol. 13: 066015 (2016).
Prescott, A.M., McCollough, F.W., Eldreth, B.L., Binder, B.M., Abel, S.M. "Analysis of network topologies underlying ethylene growth response kinetics." Front. Plant Sci. 7: 1308 (2016).
Mirzaeifard, S. and Abel, S.M. "Confined semiflexible polymers suppress fluctuations of soft membrane tubes." Soft Matter 12: 1783-1790 (2016).
Mlynarczyk, P.J., Pullen, R.H., Abel, S.M. "Confinement and diffusion modulate bistability and stochastic switching in a reaction network with positive feedback." J. Chem. Phys. 144: 015102 (2016).
Selected as a 2016 Editors’ Choice article
Iversen, Tu, Lin, Christensen, Abel, Iwig, Wu, Gureasko, Rhodes, Petit, Hansen, Thill, Yu, Stamou, Chakraborty, Kuriyan, Groves. "Ras activation by SOS: Allosteric regulation by altered fluctuation dynamics." Science 345: 50-54 (2014).
Hoerter, Brzostek, Artyomov, Abel, Casas, Rybakin, Ampudia, Lotz, Connolly, Chakraborty, Gould, Gascoigne. "Coreceptor affinity for MHC defines peptide specificity requirements for TCR interaction with coagonist peptide–MHC." J. Exp. Med. 210: 1807-1821 (2013).
Chung, W.K., Abel, S.M., Chakraborty, A.K. "Protein clusters on the T cell surface may suppress spurious early signaling events." PLoS ONE 7: e44444 (2012).
Abel, S.M., Roose, J.P., Groves, J.T., Weiss, A., Chakraborty, A.K. "The membrane environment can promote or suppress bistability in cell signaling networks." J. Phys. Chem. B 116: 3630-3640 (2012).
Abel, S.M., Tse, Y.-L.S., Andersen, H.C. "Kinetic theories of dynamics and persistent caging in a one-dimensional lattice gas." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106: 15142-15147 (2009).